Thursday, June 9, 2016

Tomorrow-Graduation Day!
I can't believe another school year has gone and tomorrow is our Graduation Day! I'm just worried that I will forget my speech when I face the audience. Also, I'm nervous that some parents might not understand our presentation because it's in English, so I think we have to make a back-up plan to deal with it. I wish everything goes well tomorrow and not go into complete chaos. OMG!!! Only 20 hours left till Graduation ceremony starts!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Only 5 more days till school ends!
Only 5 more days till school ends! Yipee! Finally, the days have come! Good bye school, hello summer! Well, I guess there is going to be a lot happening between tomorrow and next Wednesday so it's not hello summer after all!
Today we did a rehearsal for our Exhibition ceremony and it turned out fantastic except that nobody was being quiet. They were all doing clapping games and talking to each other. I wish in our real performance, none of students talked or played clapping games.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Today we presented our Exhibition to grades 3-4 and NLSC's grade 6. The good things about our presentation are:

  • We finished in time (Exactly 24minutes and 47 seconds!)
  • Everybody like our videos and art piece
Things we need to improve on:
  • Need more chairs and tables
  • Make sure all videos are working properly (One video couldn't play while plugged into the screen)
  • Speak more loudly(Project voices)
  • Move chairs and tables closer to screen at transition time
The problem is, we have SO many things we need to improve on! Well, I guess we have a few more days until the real presentation and graduation so we could improve our presentation setting before that day. On Friday, I wish our presentation runs smoothly and not go into chaos or it will be a disaster!

Monday, June 6, 2016

I can't wait for...

I just can't wait for summer holidays! I think it's going to take a year before the summer holidays come. During summer holidays, my sister and I are going U.S.A to participate J.Hokins camp. I will  learn all about Forensic science there, and I hope to learn  about finding evidence like DNA particles, using powder to find thumbprints, and much more. Squeeeeeeee! Just thinking about the holidays makes me energized and happy again. Now, I should be back to my real life, four days before Exhibition!!! Hang in there, Minnie.

Image Citation:

Friday, June 3, 2016

Exhibition Practice Reflection
Today, we did a whole run through of our Exhibition Presentation. One thing that went well was that they enjoyed our slide and activities and one thing that didn't go well was that our slide show went over 25 minutes. We took too long for our See and Think activity. I need to change some slides and shorten up the info. I wish after this week, the slides will be more organized and less than 25 minutes. I hope you enjoyed my blog!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Yay! We have finally finished our art display! I am so happy! Execpt for the part I keep sleeping late at night, while editing presentation slides, writing graduation speech, and memorizing presentation. Anyway, today we put some hinges onto the companies display and the floor panels. Tomorrow, we are going to have little practice to be ready on our first presentation to BHA and NLCS at next Tuesday. I can't wait but feel little tired. But we are almost there.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Finally, we've almost come to an end of PYP Exhibition. Our art display is finished and lesson plan, personal essay and presentation slide are nearly finished. I am so relieved that we are 97% done! We just need to add little details to our work to make it perfect (well, not exactly). I hope in the end, I feel proud and happy of what I have done. Even though Exhibition is important for me, the Graduation Ceromony also comes in mind... I hope the graduation will be fabulous too!