Thursday, February 25, 2016

A person whom I admire

A person whom I admire is Helen Keller. One of the reason why I admire her is because even though she was blind and death and had a difficult life, she never gave up. She also went to university and graduated, learnt sign language and braille and eventually was taught how to speak. I sometimes give up on doing risks and challenging myself but when I read a biography about Helen Keller, I started to do more risks and stood up for myself. When I first read about Helen Keller, I thought, ' How could she live in a quiet, dark place without seeing or hearing her parents?'. I was surprised by how she would never gave up and kept going, even though it took a while to get settled. Thanks to Helen Keller, I tried to take more risks and never gave up.

1 comment:

  1. Minnie, I agree with you about how Helen Keller could live and even learn. I want to be like Helen Keller too.
