Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Compass points- Things to do

This is our 'Things to do' list for PYP Exhibition. Using the compass points thinking routine, I will explain which stuff I'm most excited and worried about, ones I need to know more about and which ones are making a good progress.
The only thing I want to know more of is how to present our Exhibition learning. Also for the things I am excited about are Art design and Action. Next is Stance. I feel like we are doing a good job; we keep  concentrating on our tasks and try not to fall behind in Art or classes. Our only worry is a preperation for Shadow show. For the show, we need some lights, a dark room to film and a big white screen. We emailed Mr.Zarate whether he has those resources  but he didn't answer so I feel a little concerned. Also, I wonder if I can make the 2D/3D Art design in time. All of the rest look pretty okay so far.
I hope all my worries disappear before presenting Exhibition!

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