Thursday, May 26, 2016

Selling day!
Today was the first selling day. Hyeon-ah and I were very busy because we had to go back and forth around the school. At morning recess, we lent out half of our bookmarks and cards but after 10 minutes, they were all sold out. Also, almost all the posters, stickers and brochures were given out so we only have a few left. We hope to receive more donation tomorrow because today most of Junior schoolers didn't bring money.  If we sell more tomorrow, we are sure to achieve our goal or even far exceed our goal! Our original goal was to donate more than 100,000 KRW and we already have 93,100KRW in our donation box.  I just wonder how much we could earn tomorrow. However, the more important thing than the amount of money we earn is that we have an opportunity to let students know about meaning of Child Labor and our message "STOP CHILD LABOR".


  1. Yes! Minnie, I totally agree with you! We sold a lot.
    Don't you think?

  2. I agree on you very much!
    I ASLO brought my money to buy what your selling!
    I'm SO exited :)
