Monday, May 2, 2016

One attitude or learner profile that I used the most

     Today was a busy day. I came back from Hong Kong very early in the morning and went to U.S Ambassy for a visa interview. Right after that we went to the airport to catch the plane to Jeju but it didn't turn out so good. The flight got cancelled because of the bad weather so we had to go back to our Seoul home. Before that we had to wait hours and hours to find out whether we can go to Jeju tomorrow. While waiting and walking with several luggages, my mom looked really tired.
     I thought I could help her so I took her backpack even though she said it would be heavy. I just wanted to share her burden together. And I put some snacks to my mom's mouth to cheer her up. Also I brought my sister to the bathroom while she was waiting for check-in luggage bag. My mom told me that she appreciated I was caring for her.
     I used Caring in learner profile today, even though I didn't exactly realize that I used Caring. I was doing what I should do. During this week I would like to use Enthusiasm. I will enjoy every part of Exhibition learning and actively participate in researching and action plan. 
     Now I want to go back to Jeju and see my friends. I'm dying of boredom.😫😭
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1 comment:

  1. Minnie, this is a great blog post in which you show reflection on personal experience. It seems like both this and some of your previous blog posts show that you are a caring learner who supports her peers. This, which also implies underlying listening and empathetic skills, is a sign of a leader. ~ Ms. Klein
