Wednesday, May 4, 2016

My goals about my group's action

     Our blog mission today is to choose one of the following questions and answer them:

1.What goals do you have for your field trip? What do you hope to gain/learn? When do you want to go on your field trip by?

2.What goals do you have for  your research? What primary and secondary sources do want to use? When do you want to have your research complete by?

3.What goals do you have for your action? What do you hope will be the end result of your action? What is your goal to make your action sustainable?
I chose #3 which means I have to answer about goals for my Exhibition group's action. My goals of our action plan are to donate enough money from selling products at a stall located around the pod so we can give the money to World Vision which helps save people including children all around the world. When a person comes by or buy a product, we give them a brochure or bookmark explaining about child labor and how to stop it or improve their condition. I wish after the event we gather sufficient money and given out brochures to make other students join the action so we can help needy children including children who work in factories with harsh conditions.

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