Thursday, April 28, 2016

Blob tree- Where am I?
        Today's blog task is to pick a blob on the blob tree that matches most to me. I think I am one of those blobs on the bottom helping other blob to climb up. So far, we've only finished making our team shield, choosing a topic, and selecting key concepts, questions, unit of inquiry and central idea. While we were doing, we have supported each other and listened each other carefully.

          Even though we are off for a great start, we are not complete or even close to a half. In order to climb up the blob tree; top of blob tree means successful Exhibition,  I strongly believe that we need to encourage and help each other while doing endless research, our action and making our powerful presentation.


  1. I agree with you because I think your helping many people and teach something new. Also you teach something that is new ##@^^

  2. You are obviously aware of all there is to come during the Exhibition and it's good to see you helping your teammates to achieve. You and Hyeonah have made an excellent start to your research. You have an interesting topic, a clear central idea and lines of inquiry. I look forward to seeing you climb even higher over the next few weeks.

  3. Minnie, I agree with you. We need to encourage and help each other.
