Thursday, April 14, 2016

A very fun overnight experience!

        Today and yesterday, we did PYPX Overnight experience. The G5 teachers organized this event for us to learn how to cooperate effectively and communicate among G5 students. Most of the experience, we were playing games, reading or discussing with each other to learn how to plan, moniter and evaluate (metacognition). In addition, we learnt what our intelligences are (ex. spatial, musical, intrapersonal, etc.) and just solving conflicts and finding ways to interact efficiently with other G5 students.
        One thing I enjoyed while doing the overnight experience was a game called, 'Catch it if it can!'. To win, your team must build a launcher and a catcher with the supplies provided only in a limited amount of time. The launcher must be able shoot a ping-pong ball into the catcher. It was very hilarious to look at the other team's launchers and catchers work. My group was very succesful and tied with another with 52 points because I recommended to use a lever to launch our ping-pong balls so it can fly high and place the catcher where the testing ping-pong ball lands.
        Another time I enjoyed was free time before we had to get ready for bed. The teachers gave us 2 hours to play so I planned to try the scooters, a triangle-shaped plastic tray with wheels. I played on the scooters for over an hour and half. I rode on them lying down, sitting and even spinning until I felt so dizzy that I decided I needed a break to calm down my brain.
Image found in Google
        I think this overnight experience helped fade my worries away about exhibition from my mind and calm me down. I realize this experience will help me find a good route to a wonderful exhibition.                                                      


  1. Minnie, I loved playing Catch It If You Can too! Your idea worked well.

  2. I like to have Catch It If You Can too. I think your team make great catcher and launcher.

  3. We are the same team that in the catch it if you can,and I can't believe we won!(≧∇≦)

  4. I also learn cooperate and communicate by overnight experience.
    We was in same group, Minnie! I wish there will be another overnight experience in grade 5
