Monday, April 11, 2016

It's is the first day of a long journey- PYP Exhibition

Image from google
Today was Grade 5's first day of PYP Exhibition journey. We started off by categorizing various words into different groups. After we finished, we tried to connect the main words into one big group. My discussion group went around other tables to examine what was similar with and what was different from ours. Next, we interacted with the teachers about why we classified the words into those groups.
I felt that the teachers were making us organize these words for an important purpose and try to encourage us to compare the different ideas among the groups. The teachers led us to think more in diverse ways, so later we can develop better thinking skills. I enjoyed this lesson and it was better than I thought; I was really worried that we might choose our team members straight away and have to choose a topic or somthing! But this lesson calmed me down a bit, I look forward to having another wonderful day tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Minnie, I like how you explained specifically about what we did.
