Thursday, April 21, 2016

My favorite trandisplinary themes: How we express ourselves and Sharing the planet

        Today our blog mission is to find out which trandisplinary theme (unit) I am interested in. I chose two, because I couldn't decide on only one theme. Those are How we express ourselves and Sharing the planet.
        First of all, I chose these two units because the other four units are less appealing to me. These units were the units that I had curiousity in. I especially had a lot of questions while doing the unit, How we express ourselves. It was pretty interesting to explore variety of topics that I have rarely encountered before. It was hard work when I did a simulation acting as a child working at a factory. I hated the work, but thinking about that I had just experienced what it would be like working in factories doing difficult work. Also, it was fun while doing the unit Sharing the planet, Stop disasters. The game's purpose is to protect a piece of land from a natural disaster. I learnt more about natural diasters from other students' natural disaster presentation.
        I loved learning about these trandisplinary themes since I started studying them and I hope to learn more about them in the future. I want to have a deeper understanding about these themes and try to find the solution to solve these problems while doing exhibition.

1 comment:

  1. Q. If you need to choose 'How we express ourselves' or 'Sharing the planet'. What do you will choose?
