Monday, April 18, 2016

Donate a blanket to the Wrap for Love charity

        In my old school, one of the Year 4 teachers told us about a charity called 'Wrap with Love'. We could knit a square and then brought it in to school. Gathered squares were sewn together to be warm blankets for poor children. I remember doing one square by myself. I tried very hard to knit a perfect square but the shape wouldn't come out properly. In the end, my square was a mess and decided to help others knit their own squares when they were busy. Since my last one turned out to be a disaster, I was very careful at knitting somebody elses'. The whole school participated for the charity and many children recieved wooly blankets from us. I felt proud (even though I didn't even get to finish mine) because I had saved a child from dying from the coldness and gave them warmth to wrap themself in.

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