Thursday, June 9, 2016

Tomorrow-Graduation Day!
I can't believe another school year has gone and tomorrow is our Graduation Day! I'm just worried that I will forget my speech when I face the audience. Also, I'm nervous that some parents might not understand our presentation because it's in English, so I think we have to make a back-up plan to deal with it. I wish everything goes well tomorrow and not go into complete chaos. OMG!!! Only 20 hours left till Graduation ceremony starts!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Only 5 more days till school ends!
Only 5 more days till school ends! Yipee! Finally, the days have come! Good bye school, hello summer! Well, I guess there is going to be a lot happening between tomorrow and next Wednesday so it's not hello summer after all!
Today we did a rehearsal for our Exhibition ceremony and it turned out fantastic except that nobody was being quiet. They were all doing clapping games and talking to each other. I wish in our real performance, none of students talked or played clapping games.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016


Today we presented our Exhibition to grades 3-4 and NLSC's grade 6. The good things about our presentation are:

  • We finished in time (Exactly 24minutes and 47 seconds!)
  • Everybody like our videos and art piece
Things we need to improve on:
  • Need more chairs and tables
  • Make sure all videos are working properly (One video couldn't play while plugged into the screen)
  • Speak more loudly(Project voices)
  • Move chairs and tables closer to screen at transition time
The problem is, we have SO many things we need to improve on! Well, I guess we have a few more days until the real presentation and graduation so we could improve our presentation setting before that day. On Friday, I wish our presentation runs smoothly and not go into chaos or it will be a disaster!

Monday, June 6, 2016

I can't wait for...

I just can't wait for summer holidays! I think it's going to take a year before the summer holidays come. During summer holidays, my sister and I are going U.S.A to participate J.Hokins camp. I will  learn all about Forensic science there, and I hope to learn  about finding evidence like DNA particles, using powder to find thumbprints, and much more. Squeeeeeeee! Just thinking about the holidays makes me energized and happy again. Now, I should be back to my real life, four days before Exhibition!!! Hang in there, Minnie.

Image Citation:

Friday, June 3, 2016

Exhibition Practice Reflection
Today, we did a whole run through of our Exhibition Presentation. One thing that went well was that they enjoyed our slide and activities and one thing that didn't go well was that our slide show went over 25 minutes. We took too long for our See and Think activity. I need to change some slides and shorten up the info. I wish after this week, the slides will be more organized and less than 25 minutes. I hope you enjoyed my blog!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Yay! We have finally finished our art display! I am so happy! Execpt for the part I keep sleeping late at night, while editing presentation slides, writing graduation speech, and memorizing presentation. Anyway, today we put some hinges onto the companies display and the floor panels. Tomorrow, we are going to have little practice to be ready on our first presentation to BHA and NLCS at next Tuesday. I can't wait but feel little tired. But we are almost there.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Finally, we've almost come to an end of PYP Exhibition. Our art display is finished and lesson plan, personal essay and presentation slide are nearly finished. I am so relieved that we are 97% done! We just need to add little details to our work to make it perfect (well, not exactly). I hope in the end, I feel proud and happy of what I have done. Even though Exhibition is important for me, the Graduation Ceromony also comes in mind... I hope the graduation will be fabulous too!

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Today is Art day !
Today was also art day. Hyeon-ah and I have done more than 60% of our 3D/2D design for Art. We spent so much time on printing texts, drilling, cutting and glueing display materials. We worked on our Exhibition display boards for an hour in the morning and 3 hours after school. I think in 4 hours, we have accomplished a lot compared to yesterday. Our team's goal is to finish our display boards tomorrow when we have extra time to work on it. My goal is to finalize the art design and to finish editing the slides for the Exhibition presentation.

Monday, May 30, 2016

All day art day!
Today we concentrated on our art design. Even after school, we worked on it a lot. We sketched the layout of our 3d and 2d design and started printing. It took a long time to print everything that we needed. It took a few attempts until we could print in A3. In the end, I hope our design looks very clean and neat and stands out.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Last selling day- a success!

Today was the last selling day. In the morning, we hoped we could sell all of our products because yesterday we sent a reminder to all grades and most people would have recognised yesterday that they forgot to bring money! Well, it turned out to be a huge success. 

We will donate all 378,600 won to World Vision soon. When Hyeon-ah sent me an email about how much money we made, I couldn't believe my eyes! We had earned almost 4 times more than our goal! I am very proud of our helpers and Hyeon-ah, and thank all junior schoolers who participated in our action.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Selling day!
Today was the first selling day. Hyeon-ah and I were very busy because we had to go back and forth around the school. At morning recess, we lent out half of our bookmarks and cards but after 10 minutes, they were all sold out. Also, almost all the posters, stickers and brochures were given out so we only have a few left. We hope to receive more donation tomorrow because today most of Junior schoolers didn't bring money.  If we sell more tomorrow, we are sure to achieve our goal or even far exceed our goal! Our original goal was to donate more than 100,000 KRW and we already have 93,100KRW in our donation box.  I just wonder how much we could earn tomorrow. However, the more important thing than the amount of money we earn is that we have an opportunity to let students know about meaning of Child Labor and our message "STOP CHILD LABOR".

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

One day before selling dates!
I can't believe tomorrow we are selling our products! We are hoping to sell most of the products we prepared, the lemonade, cards and bookmarks. We are especially looking forward to earning over 100,000won so we can save few children for a month. I guess we are all ready. We have have lots of voluteers and lots to sell. I can't wait!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Assembly Day!
Today was Action Assembly day. We did 2 whole run-through practices before the real assembly. We were 2nd to present our action plan to the Junior school. I was so nervous when I grabbed my mike from Blank Out that I almost threw the mike on the ground. But eventually I earned my confidence and spoke loudly in front of everybody. I think our team made our presentation entertaining and I hope lots of people have interests on our topic and willingly donate money to help suffering children.

Monday, May 23, 2016

The day before Assembly
Today was the day before the assembly. I guess we are pretty much happy with our speech for the assembly. I think our presentation will be interactive and be interesting because we are selling products. I hope this assembly will be entertaining and interactive for the other grades.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Language Usage Checklist for Exhibition-again!

This is another Language Usage Checklist for Exhibition. I am reflecting and being very honest about this checklist.
Language Usage Checklist for Exhibition

What will discussion sound like in Grade 5?
  • We will use English in our groups UNLESS we need to translate the meaning of a word or phrase that needs clarification or elaboration.
  • Then we will remember to switch back to English once we have clarified or elaborated our ideas.
  • In partners, we will use English.
  • When we are thinking solo we can use either English or Korean/Chinese.
  • In teams, we will use English for all conversation unless we are clarifying the meaning of something.

Weekly self-assessment for language usage (Put an X next to your answer.)
This week I was able to use English and Korean/Chinese as per the class expectations.
  • Yes ______________X
  • Mostly ____________
  • Not always _________
The part that was most difficult for me to do was:
  • Class discussion ______
  • Teams in English ______
  • Pairs in English _______
  • Solo in English ________
  • Switch back after using Korean/Chinese__________X
Strategies I used this week:
  • I used Korean/Chinese when I:
    • Asked a question ________X
    • Expressed an idea _______
    • Clarified a word _________
    • Clarified a phrase _______
    • Elaborated my ideas _____
    • Took notes ___________
    • Worked in a team _______
    • Worked in a pair _______
    • Worked alone _________
    • Joked around _________
    • Had social conversation ______X
  • I used English when I:
    • Asked a question ________X
    • Expressed an idea _______X
    • Clarified a word _________X
    • Clarified a phrase _______X
    • Elaborated my ideas _____X
    • Took notes ___________X
    • Worked in a team _______X
    • Worked in a pair _______X
    • Worked alone _________X
    • Joked around _________X
    • Had social conversation ______X

This week I am most proud of:
This week I am most proud of my continuous effort to do research, writing blog posts everyday even though I was not in good condition, planning details of our action and creating art design.
Next week my goal is:
Next week my goal is to never fall behind at art, finish making stall for selling products and successfully manage our action on selling days.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

How can I make my Action Assembly and Exhibition Day more interactive?
Ok. How can I make my Action Assembly and Exhibition Day more interactive? Well, for the Action Assembly, Hyeon-ah and I am going to play a game called 'True or False'. I call out loud some companies that use child labor and use no child labor. The audience will have a chance to answer by putting up their hands. Also, on Exhibition day, at the first and last bit, we will do a Kahoot quiz so people wonder more about our issue, and reflect on what they learn.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Funniest assembly ever!
One of the most entertaining and interactive was the Game Show assembly last year. The concept of this assembly was a competition between teachers and students. Some girls chose students, including me, and made us play with our grade teachers. The best part was Lina and I were playing against Mrs.Park and Miss. Prosser. One person had to be blind-folded and hold a baket full of pellets and a spoon, which was Lina, and the other person had to hold a basket right on top of the blind-folded person's head (which was me). The blind-folded had to throw in as many pellets as they can in the basket above them. It was quite a mess in the end. The teachers won beacuse they poured more pellets than us and were much more tidy. Pellets were scattered all on the floor. It was really fun because I could see up close, since I was a basket holder. Pellets were flying everywere! Anyway, hope you enjoyed another day of my blog!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Compass points- Things to do

This is our 'Things to do' list for PYP Exhibition. Using the compass points thinking routine, I will explain which stuff I'm most excited and worried about, ones I need to know more about and which ones are making a good progress.
The only thing I want to know more of is how to present our Exhibition learning. Also for the things I am excited about are Art design and Action. Next is Stance. I feel like we are doing a good job; we keep  concentrating on our tasks and try not to fall behind in Art or classes. Our only worry is a preperation for Shadow show. For the show, we need some lights, a dark room to film and a big white screen. We emailed Mr.Zarate whether he has those resources  but he didn't answer so I feel a little concerned. Also, I wonder if I can make the 2D/3D Art design in time. All of the rest look pretty okay so far.
I hope all my worries disappear before presenting Exhibition!

Monday, May 16, 2016

Exhibition- not long to go!
OMG! I am SO excited! Why? Only few more weeks until Graduation and Exhibitioin presentation day! My team have done almost 70% of our work and already have TONS of ideas to present our issue, Child Labor. Hyeon-ah and I are very happy with our progress and never falling behind in Exhibition. We hope, by next next week, all research is finished and start writing our essays. Please wish us good luck!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Discussion about Student Led Conference
Today G5 discussed about Student Led Conference scheduled on tomorrow morning. Student Led Conference is a meeting that students themselves lead the conference. Tomorrow Student Led Conference is going to be a great opportunity to explain what we have done so far for Exhibition. After I finish my conference and listen to Helen's conference, Hyeon-ah and I are planning to go to local stores to find materials used to make products and make the selling items at my house. I can't wait!😃

My new blob!
     A few weeks ago, we talked bout blob trees and chose which blob we were. Now we have to do the same thing; chose a blob that matches with me or my group. I chose the 2 happy blobs sitting together on a strong branch in the middle. I chose these blobs because Hyeon-ah and I are always working as a team and most of the times, we have a great outcome. It has been 6 weeks since we started Exhibition and we almost have half left to go so that another reason why I chose the most happy-looking blobs around the midle part of the tree.

Monday, May 9, 2016

What do I need to get done?

     Today's blog is going to be about what am I going to do in the next few weeks and a few goals for what I want to get done. Okay, here is our timeline:
     Today, our group fixed a date, a location and selling items and started a detailed planning for our Action - Donation Stand. Tomorrow, we will continue planning and meet with our mentor, Ms. Cairns to discuss the ideas or any concerns with her. Next, we will get permission from Mrs.Tilney or Mr.Secomb, so we can open a stall to donate money to stop and improve child labor by the end of week. Since Thursday is student-led conference day, Hyeon-ah and I are planning to buy the mterials for the stand and make the selling products. Helen has willingly volunteered to help organize the stall and make the products with us. From Friday, we can start to design our stall and plan our information hand-out for the buyers. We are going to continue on making Donation stand on Saturday. By the next week, we should finalize organizing selling stall, making selling items, hiring voluteers if needed and doing Action with great succcess.

     My goal is to finish all of these jobs in time and keep concentration on what should be done in each phase. I hope that on Selling day, we collect more than 10 Manwon to donate to World Vision Jeju because if we donate at least 10 Manwon, we can save at least two children by giving them help bring access to resources like clean, safe water, food and healthcare, one month education, community development and child protection.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

My goals about my group's action

     Our blog mission today is to choose one of the following questions and answer them:

1.What goals do you have for your field trip? What do you hope to gain/learn? When do you want to go on your field trip by?

2.What goals do you have for  your research? What primary and secondary sources do want to use? When do you want to have your research complete by?

3.What goals do you have for your action? What do you hope will be the end result of your action? What is your goal to make your action sustainable?
I chose #3 which means I have to answer about goals for my Exhibition group's action. My goals of our action plan are to donate enough money from selling products at a stall located around the pod so we can give the money to World Vision which helps save people including children all around the world. When a person comes by or buy a product, we give them a brochure or bookmark explaining about child labor and how to stop it or improve their condition. I wish after the event we gather sufficient money and given out brochures to make other students join the action so we can help needy children including children who work in factories with harsh conditions.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

My thoughts about note taking
Today blog is about watching a video about note taking and we have to share our thoughts. 
I agree with the video because if I don't write notes, I might easily forget or not learn anything about the subject or topic. As the video said, "No notes, not much learning". 
A few things has changed about note taking in the last 50 years and document our research and thoughts in new ways, such as the use of various new technology, instead of pencil and paper or typing with a typewriter. We can use a voice recorder while we are interviewing people and take pictures about foot notes under displayed items in the museum. Also we can take note directly to computer while teachers gives us lectures.

Monday, May 2, 2016

One attitude or learner profile that I used the most

     Today was a busy day. I came back from Hong Kong very early in the morning and went to U.S Ambassy for a visa interview. Right after that we went to the airport to catch the plane to Jeju but it didn't turn out so good. The flight got cancelled because of the bad weather so we had to go back to our Seoul home. Before that we had to wait hours and hours to find out whether we can go to Jeju tomorrow. While waiting and walking with several luggages, my mom looked really tired.
     I thought I could help her so I took her backpack even though she said it would be heavy. I just wanted to share her burden together. And I put some snacks to my mom's mouth to cheer her up. Also I brought my sister to the bathroom while she was waiting for check-in luggage bag. My mom told me that she appreciated I was caring for her.
     I used Caring in learner profile today, even though I didn't exactly realize that I used Caring. I was doing what I should do. During this week I would like to use Enthusiasm. I will enjoy every part of Exhibition learning and actively participate in researching and action plan. 
     Now I want to go back to Jeju and see my friends. I'm dying of boredom.😫😭
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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Blob tree- Where am I?
        Today's blog task is to pick a blob on the blob tree that matches most to me. I think I am one of those blobs on the bottom helping other blob to climb up. So far, we've only finished making our team shield, choosing a topic, and selecting key concepts, questions, unit of inquiry and central idea. While we were doing, we have supported each other and listened each other carefully.

          Even though we are off for a great start, we are not complete or even close to a half. In order to climb up the blob tree; top of blob tree means successful Exhibition,  I strongly believe that we need to encourage and help each other while doing endless research, our action and making our powerful presentation.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

We FINALLY completed our UOI (Units of Inquiry)

      Thinking back over the day what I valued most was our new units of inquiry that we created. We have decided on these three key concepts and three lines of inquiry matching to those:

  • Form- What child labor is like
  • Connection- The different issues connected to child labor
  • Responsibility- Our reponsibilities to stop child labor
Also, something I would like to find more about in the future is why child labor happens and why it is hard to stop.  When we are researching, I would like to find answers to these questions.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Set up everything for mentor meeting and choose topic!

The most important event that happened for Hyeon-ah and me today was organizing our first mentor meeting with Ms.Cairns. We are supposed to meet her in between 10:45am to 11:05am on Tuesday and Thursday. One of the things that surprised me was we used almost 99% of the Exhibition hours speaking in English and improved on being an inquirer by inventing lots of questions with key concepts of 'Child labor'. Our brains were exploding with ideas while we discussed together about the topic and worked on the team shield. I believe that our first meeting with our mentor is going to be exciting, and I can't wait for tomorrow.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Most exciting day ever!
        Today was the best day ever! Phew, there are LOTS of things to talk about! To summarize it, I think this page will be one and a half mile long! Well, not really. But you get the picture. Anyway, let's start!
        First of all, the most exciting thing is my group members for PYP Exhibition. I thought my group would have more than 2 people but actually, Hyeon-ah and I were in pairs. I think I am so lucky to be together with a person who know the meaning of responsibility, keep her words, is smart and calm. I think that Hyeon-ah and I will work well together to complete our Exhibition sucessfully.

Our first mission was making our essential agreements. Our essential agreements are:

  • Only communicate in Korean when necessary
  • Participate and be enthusiastic
  • Respect each other (no arguing)
  • Show integrity by not copying word for word from somebody without any permission/citation
After we completed the essential agreements, we signed the Individual Declaration of Academic Honesty. and made our team shields. The Individual Declaration of Academic Honesty is a form you have to sign and say, 'I will not copy somebody else's work without permission/citation. A team shield is a shield that our Exhibition group gets to decorate and draw anything that might represent their group. My group didn't get to finish so we are deciding to work on it tomorrow morning.
        I like how we were sorted into well-matching groups and have a kind mentore as Hyeon-ah says, Ms.Cairns. I hope I have an enriching Exhibition journey with Hyeon-ah and my new mentor.

Friday, April 22, 2016

Language Usage Checklist for Exhibition
                This language checklist is for Exhibition that our G5 teacher sent us. I put a 'X' mark to show that is my answer.
What will discussion sound like in Grade 5?
  • We will use English in our groups UNLESS we need to translate the meaning of a word or phrase that needs clarification or elaboration.
  • Then we will remember to switch back to English once we have clarified or elaborated our ideas.
  • In partners, we will use English.
  • When we are thinking solo we can use either English or Korean.
  • In teams, we will use English for all conversation unless we are clarifying the meaning of something.

Weekly self-assessment for language usage
This week I was able to use English and Korean as per the class expectations.
  • Yes ____________ X
  • Mostly ____________
  • Not always _________
The part that was most difficult for me to do was:
  • Class discussion ______
  • Teams in English ______
  • Pairs in English _______ X
  • Solo in English ________
  • Switch back after using Korean _____________
Strategies I used this week:
  • I used Korean/Chinese when I:
    • Asked a question ________
    • Expressed an idea _______
    • Clarified a word _________
    • Clarified a phrase _______
    • Elaborated my ideas _____
    • Took notes ___________
    • Worked in a team _______
    • Worked in a pair _______
    • Worked alone _________
    • Joked around _________ X
    • Had social conversation ______ X
  • I used English when I:
    • Asked a question ________ X
    • Expressed an idea _______ X
    • Clarified a word _________ X
    • Clarified a phrase _______ X
    • Elaborated my ideas _____ X
    • Took notes ___________X
    • Worked in a team _______X
    • Worked in a pair _______X
    • Worked alone _________X
    • Joked around _________X
    • Had social conversation ______ X

This week I am most proud of my reseach by exploring issues we are NOT okay with because I did 6 issues and I achieved my goal which was completing at least 4 issues.

Next week my goal is to use less Korean at school and use more of Korean at home so I can improve on both languages.